April 19, 2011

The Leader and his henchmen (Part-1)

 Plan & Implementation

The leader believes only in 'proposing plans’, issuing orders. He does not talk about its implementation. He assures everyone that the proposed plan is a radical step. He authorizes people to implement the “plan”. Implementation is closely monitored by the leader himself. Individuals, appointed as the bright kids in the class, first look at the selection in the “implementation brigade” as an obstacle in their peaceful life. Though, they treat the selection as a nuisance, their inner soul is satiated, treating the selection nothing short of a long deserved honour.
The leader, sitting on the high ground, looking at the implementation, sticks to the plan. The leader re-asserts himself that the plan is revolutionary. Individuals seek to make maximum out of this implementation, for it holds the key to their luxurious future. Justifying the selection as right and unquestionable, People, so authorized, become competitive. Selection in the “implementation brigade” is defended at the cost of proper implementation of the plan. Over the period, these people focus less on plan, more on their voice reaching the leader. To prove they are on the job, implementation brigade shouts, yells. Hearing his "authorised people" yelling, leader becomes confident about the plan.
Leader, hiding his plan behind this proposed plan, feels satisfied that he can further his authority as he pleases. As the implementation brigade is complimented by the leader, these individuals from the brigade start justifying their acts, words, moods. As the Excitement of successful implementation of the plan takes over, people start suggesting amendments to the leader’s plan. Leader, focussing only on his plan behind the proposed plan, ignores the amendments. Brigade, observing leader's ignorance, further their amendments. Rule changes again.
The set of amendments start replacing the original plan. Amendments become "new plan". As the amendments become acceptable, popular within the working population, leader starts feeling erosion in his authority. Leader, keeping quiet on the amendments, takes charge again. Brigade becomes confident with amendments as new plan. Leader re-asserts his authority through new ideas to an already amended plan. As the brigade feels humiliated by leader's intervention in the amended plan, they propose to continue with their amendments to the original plan. He tells everyone, including the implementation brigade, that his idea was never understood. Leader orders roll back of the plan. Leader orders "back to basics".
As the drama unfolds, leader realises that his plan behind the plan worked. His idea of dismantling united opposition was a success. Brigade, having relied upon the implementation of the plan as the guarantee to successful future, feels disappointed. Disappointment increases as the leader is seen appreciating underdogs. Underdogs do not take the appreciation on its face value. For, they know the leader is again proposing a well crafted plan.    
First rule rules. Any mention of exception or talk of amendment is treated as contempt. Then rule is sacrificed to accommodate personal aspirations. Then rule is amended to give space to the ideological extension. As rule gives people other than leader an authority, leader scraps the rule itself. Now, Not following rule becomes a rule. It is only after few weeks that people realise that neither rule was important nor implementation mattered. Leader divided his opposition, purpose served.   

To be continued..